Sample Test Tutoring Video
Note: As of 2020, ETS (the official testing service) has replaced Praxis 5411 with the Praxis 5412 exam. Our Praxis 5411 prep program covers much of the content assessed in the new exam; however, please be aware that there are some differences. We will announce when updated materials are available.
The sample Test Tutoring Video below provides coaching for question 19 on your Praxis Educational Leadership (5411) (Version 1) Practice Test.

Our online prep programs include Test Tutoring Videos like this one discussing every practice test question.
Content Knowledge and Test Strategy
When you enroll in online prep, you'll begin by watching our Core Videos in which an expert instructor teaches you the key subject matter knowledge you need to pass.
Then, with Test Tutoring Videos like this one that cover every practice test question, you'll learn how to apply your knowledge to the questions you'll find on the exam.
Learn more about Praxis Core Online Prep.