This page provides access to all the key info you need as a Praxis test-taker, including 2025 exam dates, testing center locations, fees, registration info and prep resources.
You can view our free Praxis Study Guides for a concise, bullet-pointed listing of exactly which topics appear on your exam. You can also take our free Praxis Practice Tests to see your current likelihood of passing and a breakdown of your individual strengths and weaknesses.
Need help preparing? We offer live Praxis Prep Courses, one-on-one Tutoring, and self-paced Online Prep.
Praxis Quick Facts | |
Required For: | Most credentialed K-12 educators in select states |
Elementary teachers typically take: | Praxis Elementary Education |
Secondary teachers typically take: | Single Subject exams such as Praxis Mathematics, Praxis General Science or Praxis Social Science |
Test format: | Multiple choice and/or written response, depending on test |
Testing costs: | $130-$180 depending on test |
Passing score: | Scaled scores vary by state |
Praxis Overview
The ETS Praxis Series exams are designed to assess subject matter knowledge and other competencies for individuals planning a career in teaching. Many prospective teachers must begin by taking the Praxis Core, which is a basic skills test covering mathematics, reading and writing. Often colleges use Praxis Core scores to evaluate candidates for entry into teacher preparation programs.
Before achieving licensure, many states also require candidates to pass one or more Praxis Subject Assessments. The specific Praxis Subject Assessment that a candidate must take depends on the subject and grade-level that candidate plans to teach. For example, those planning to teach elementary school typically must pass exams such as Praxis Elementary Education, which cover a broad range of topics, while those planning to teach a specific subject at the secondary school level must pass a Praxis single subject exam.
Info By Exam
Select your exam below to view test dates, fees, registration info, prep resources and other info for your specific test.
Free Tools to Help You Get Started
Not sure how you’ll perform on the exam? Start by viewing our free Praxis Study Guide to get a concise overview of exactly what subject matter will appear on your exam. Then, take our free, full-length Praxis Practice Test with diagnostics to see your overall likelihood of passing and identify any areas in which you may need to improve.
Online Prep Programs That Guarantee You'll Pass
Our Core Plus Online Prep Programs feature:
- instructional videos that teach you the exact content you need to pass
- interactive practice tests that replicate the real exam
- virtual tutoring videos that guide you through every practice question
- advanced diagnostics that offer in-depth insights into your strengths and weaknesses
And they’re backed by the strongest guarantee available: If you don’t pass, you don’t pay.*
(*See our Guarantees page for details.)
Our Partners
As the nationwide leader in credentialing exam preparation, Teachers Test Prep is proud to serve over 850,000 individual account holders as well as top universities, schools and teachers’ organizations.
Are you an administrator at a teacher preparation program? Please visit our Organizational Partnership Program page to learn more about how we can give you the diagnostic insights and support services you need to help your aspiring teachers succeed on their certification exams.