Praxis Elementary Education: Multiple Subjects (7001-7005)


While Teachers Test Prep does not currently offer prep specifically for the Praxis 7001 series (subtests 7002, 7003, 7004, and 7005), you may wish to consider using our Praxis 5001 series curriculum.

For subtests 7003, 7004, and 7005, all material covered for these subjects (Math, Science, and Social Studies) is exactly the same across both test series. Test 7002, however, varies from test 5002: both tests cover the same skills, but ask about them in different ways.

To learn more about our Praxis 5001 prep, including free study guides and practice tests, click "Go to Praxis 5001 Prep." For more details about how each subtest stacks up, see below.



English and Reading (5002 and 7002)

We currently do not have study material that fully encapsulates Test 7002. However, the material covered for 5002 is still a useful starting point. While 5002 focuses on the teacher's ability in the subject areas of reading comprehension and recognizing pedagogical concepts, 7002 places emphasis on, "Is this teacher able to teach reading in the classroom?" Thus, a lot of 5002's information is relevant for 7002, which asks you how to put that information into practice.

Example: Instead of "how many phonemes are in this word?" (5002) we now have "which of the following teaching strategies is best for a kindergarten teacher who wants to work with her students on phoneme awareness?" (7002)

Math (5003 and 7003)

7003 is ten questions shorter (40) than 5003 (50). Other than that, their discussion questions and standards are quite literally verbatim of one another. The split of emphasis is exactly the same in each.

Social Studies (5004 and 7004)

7004 is ten questions shorter (50) and places a little more emphasis on World History/Econ (35%) than geography (20%). 5004 is 60 questions, 25% World history/Econ, and 30% geography. Both have the same emphasis of 45% on US history. All standards and discussion questions are, again, exactly the same.

Science (5005 and 7005)

7005 is five questions shorter than 5005. The Domains are evenly split and unchanged in emphasis. All standards and discussion questions read entirely the same.


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