The Praxis Core Academic Skills for Educators is a basic skills test covering mathematics, reading and writing. Often colleges use Praxis Core scores to evaluate candidates for entry into teacher preparation programs.
The Reading Test covers Key Ideas and Details; Craft, Structure and Language Skills; and Integration of Knowledge and Ideas. It is comprised of multiple-choice questions as well as some alternate question types, such as "select in passage" responses.
The Writing Test covers Text Types, Purposes, and Production; and Language and Research Skills for Writing. It is comprised primarily of multiple-choice questions, but also includes two essays.
The Mathematics Test covers Number and Quantity; Data Interpretation and Representation, Statistics, and Probability; and Algebra and Geometry. It is comprised of multiple-choice and numeric entry questions. An on-screen calculator is available for this test.

2025 Praxis Core Testing Costs*
Below is an overview of the 2025 Praxis Core testing fees for computer-based testing.
Service |
Fees |
Registration for Reading Test (5712/5713) |
$90 test registration fee |
Registration for Writing Test (5722/5723) |
$90 test registration fee |
Registration for Mathematics (5732/5733) |
$90 test registration fee |
Registration for Combined Test (5751/5752) |
$150 test registration fee |
Change of test center or date |
Additional $40 fee |
Phone Registration |
Additional $35 fee |
Additional score reports |
$50 per report |
Score review for constructed-response (CR) section |
$65 |
Score review for combined selected-response (SR) and constructed-response (CR) sections |
$65 |

2025 Praxis Core Test Dates*
Computer-based testing for the Praxis Core exam is available year-round by appointment. Alternatively, online-proctored testing is offered remotely.
Praxis Core - Multiple Choice |
Results Release Dates |
2/26/25 - 2/27/25 |
3/4/25 |
2/28/25 - 3/4/25 |
3/7/25 |
3/5/25 - 3/6/25 |
3/11/25 |
3/7/25 - 3/11/25 |
3/14/25 |
3/12/25 - 3/13/25 |
3/18/25 |
3/14/25 - 3/18/25 |
3/21/25 |
3/19/25 - 3/20/25 |
3/25/25 |
3/21/25 - 3/25/25 |
3/28/25 |
3/26/25 - 3/27/25 |
4/1/25 |
3/28/25 - 4/1/25 |
4/4/25 |
4/2/25 - 4/3/25 |
4/8/25 |
4/4/25 - 4/8/25 |
4/11/25 |
4/9/25 - 4/10/25 |
4/15/25 |
4/11/25 - 4/15/25 |
4/18/25 |
4/16/25 - 4/17/25 |
4/22/25 |
4/18/25 - 4/22/25 |
4/25/25 |
4/23/25 - 4/24/25 |
4/29/25 |
4/25/25 - 4/29/25 |
5/2/25 |
4/30/25 - 5/1/25 |
5/6/25 |
5/2/25 - 5/6/25 |
5/9/25 |
5/7/25 - 5/8/25 |
5/13/25 |
5/9/25 - 5/13/25 |
5/16/25 |
5/14/25 - 5/15/25 |
5/20/25 |
5/16/25 - 5/20/25 |
5/23/25 |
5/21/25 - 5/22/25 |
5/27/25 |
5/23/25 - 5/27/25 |
5/30/25 |
5/28/25 - 5/29/25 |
6/3/25 |
5/30/25 - 6/3/25 |
6/6/25 |
6/4/25 - 6/5/25 |
6/10/25 |
6/6/25 - 6/10/25 |
6/13/25 |
6/11/25 - 6/12/25 |
6/17/25 |
6/13/25 - 6/17/25 |
6/20/25 |
6/18/25 - 6/19/25 |
6/24/25 |
6/20/25 - 6/24/25 |
6/27/25 |
6/25/25 - 6/26/25 |
7/1/25 |
6/27/25 - 7/1/25 |
7/4/25 |
7/2/25 - 7/3/25 |
7/8/25 |
7/4/25 - 7/8/25 |
7/11/25 |
7/9/25 - 7/10/25 |
7/15/25 |
7/11/25 - 7/15/25 |
7/18/25 |
7/16/25 - 7/17/25 |
7/22/25 |
7/18/25 - 7/22/25 |
7/25/25 |
7/23/25 - 7/24/25 |
7/29/25 |
7/25/25 - 7/29/25 |
8/1/25 |
7/30/25 - 7/31/25 |
8/5/25 |
8/1/25 - 8/5/25 |
8/8/25 |
8/6/25 - 8/7/25 |
8/12/25 |
8/8/25 - 8/12/25 |
8/15/25 |
8/13/25 - 8/14/25 |
8/19/25 |
8/15/25 - 8/19/25 |
8/22/25 |
8/20/25 - 8/21/25 |
8/26/25 |
8/22/25 - 8/26/25 |
8/29/25 |
8/27/25 - 8/28/25 |
9/2/25 |
8/29/25 - 8/31/25 |
9/5/25 |
Praxis Core Writing |
Results Release Dates |
2/12/25 - 2/13/25 |
3/4/25 |
2/14/25 - 2/18/25 |
3/7/25 |
2/19/25 - 2/20/25 |
3/11/25 |
2/21/25 - 2/25/25 |
3/14/25 |
2/26/25 - 2/27/25 |
3/18/25 |
2/28/25 - 3/4/25 |
3/21/25 |
3/5/25 - 3/6/25 |
3/25/25 |
3/7/25 - 3/11/25 |
3/28/25 |
3/12/25 - 3/13/25 |
4/1/25 |
3/14/25 - 3/18/25 |
4/4/25 |
3/19/25 - 3/20/25 |
4/8/25 |
3/21/25 - 3/25/25 |
4/11/25 |
3/26/25 - 3/27/25 |
4/15/25 |
3/28/25 - 4/1/25 |
4/18/25 |
4/2/25 - 4/3/25 |
4/22/25 |
4/4/25 - 4/8/25 |
4/25/25 |
4/9/25 - 4/10/25 |
4/29/25 |
4/11/25 - 4/15/25 |
5/2/25 |
4/16/25 - 4/17/25 |
5/6/25 |
4/18/25 - 4/22/25 |
5/9/25 |
4/23/25 - 4/24/25 |
5/13/25 |
4/25/25 - 4/29/25 |
5/16/25 |
4/30/25 - 5/1/25 |
5/20/25 |
5/2/25 - 5/6/25 |
5/23/25 |
5/7/25 - 5/8/25 |
5/27/25 |
5/9/25 - 5/13/25 |
5/30/25 |
5/14/25 - 5/15/25 |
6/3/25 |
5/16/25 - 5/20/25 |
6/6/25 |
5/21/25 - 5/22/25 |
6/10/25 |
5/23/25 - 5/27/25 |
6/13/25 |
5/28/25 - 5/29/25 |
6/17/25 |
5/30/25 - 6/3/25 |
6/20/25 |
6/4/25 - 6/5/25 |
6/24/25 |
6/6/25 - 6/10/25 |
6/27/25 |
6/11/25 - 6/12/25 |
7/1/25 |
6/13/25 - 6/17/25 |
7/4/25 |
6/18/25 - 6/19/25 |
7/8/25 |
6/20/25 - 6/24/25 |
7/11/25 |
6/25/25 - 6/26/25 |
7/15/25 |
6/27/25 - 7/1/25 |
7/18/25 |
7/2/25 - 7/3/25 |
7/22/25 |
7/4/25 - 7/8/25 |
7/25/25 |
7/9/25 - 7/10/25 |
7/29/25 |
7/11/25 - 7/15/25 |
8/1/25 |
7/16/25 - 7/17/25 |
8/5/25 |
7/18/25 - 7/22/25 |
8/8/25 |
7/23/25 - 7/24/25 |
8/12/25 |
7/25/25 - 7/29/25 |
8/15/25 |
7/30/25 - 7/31/25 |
8/19/25 |
8/1/25 - 8/5/25 |
8/22/25 |
8/6/25 - 8/7/25 |
8/26/25 |
8/8/25 - 8/12/25 |
8/29/25 |
8/13/25 - 8/14/25 |
9/2/25 |
8/15/25 - 8/19/25 |
9/5/25 |
8/20/25 - 8/21/25 |
9/9/25 |
8/22/25 - 8/26/25 |
9/12/25 |
8/27/25 - 8/28/25 |
9/16/25 |
8/29/25 - 8/31/25 |
9/19/25 |
*This information is subject to change. All test-takers should visit the official Praxis website at to confirm fees, registration, and testing requirements before enrolling.