Resources for Other Praxis Exams

Teachers Test Prep offers free online study guides and practice tests for select Praxis exams, as well as affordable prep classes, tutoring and online prep. We also provide helpful summaries of key exam information, including test dates, costs and registration info.
These services are only available for the following exams:
- Praxis Core Academic Skills for Educators (Core)
- ParaPro Assessment (1755)
- Praxis Elementary Education: Content Knowledge (5018)
- Praxis Elementary Education: Multiple Subjects (5001-5005)
- Praxis General Science: Content Knowledge (5435)
- Praxis Mathematics: Content Knowledge (5161)
- Praxis Middle School Mathematics (5169)
- Praxis Educational Leadership (5411)
- Praxis Social Studies: Content Knowledge (5081)
- Praxis Special Education: Core Knowledge and Applications (5354)
- Praxis Special Education: Core Knowledge and Mild to Moderate Applications (5543)
- Praxis Principles of Learning & Teaching (PLT): Grades K-6 (5622)
If you are taking a different Praxis exam, please select your test from the dropdown menu below for more info about preparation materials.