Tennessee Praxis Test Info

This page provides access to all the key info you need as a Praxis test-taker in Tennessee, including 2025 exam dates, testing center locations, fees, registration info and prep resources.

You can also view our free Praxis Study Guides for a concise, bullet-pointed listing of exactly which topics appear on your exam. Then take our free Praxis Practice Tests to see your current likelihood of passing and a breakdown of your individual strengths and weaknesses.

Need help preparing? We offer live Praxis Prep Courses, one-on-one Tutoring, and self-paced Online Prep.

Tennessee Praxis Test Info - State Flag

Taking the Praxis in Tennessee

Educators seeking licensure in Tennessee may be required to take certain Praxis exams. The specific tests required may depend on various factors, such as the grade level and subject candidates plan to teach. Testing requirements and passing scores are determined by the Tennessee State Board of Education. 

To learn more about the current Tennessee Praxis testing requirements, please visit the official testing service website at https://www.ets.org/praxis/tn.

Tennessee Praxis Testing Locations

Tennessee Praxis Testing Center Locations*

Below is a list of Tennessee testing centers that offer computer-based testing for the Praxis.

IMPORTANT: Do not go to your testing center location until you have registered for the exam and scheduled your testing appointment. For information on how to register and schedule a testing appointment, please visit the official Praxis testing service website at www.ets.org/praxis.

City/Zip Tennessee Praxis Testing Center Location
Chattanooga (37403) University of Tennessee - Chattanooga, STN14683A, 648 Oak St.
Chattanooga (37421) Chattanooga - Cromwell Road, APCN-1010, 4295 Crowell Rd., Ste. 309
Clarksville (37040) Clarksville - Forbes Avenue, APCN-1011, 220 Forbes Ave.
Cookeville (38505) Tennessee Tech Univ - STN15162A, Quadrangle and 8th Streets
Jackson (38301) Lane College, STN15076A, 545 Lane Avenue
Jackson (38301) Prometric Test Center, APCN-7527, University of Memphis at Lambuth
Johnson City (37614) ETS - East Tennessee St. Univ., APCN-7523, East Tennessee State University
Knoxville (37922) Knoxville - Center Park Drive, APCN-1001, 215 Center Park Dr.
Knoxville (37996) University of Tennessee-Knoxville, STN15483A, 1122 Volunteer Blvd.
Martin (38238) ETS - University of TN / Martin, APCN-7721, 211 Clement Hall
Memphis (38134) Memphis, APCN-5479, 5175 Elmore Road
Memphis (38152) Memphis, TN, APCN-7707, University of Memphis
Memphis (38152) Prometric Test Center, APCN-5226, 3669 Alumni Drive
Memphis (38152) University of Memphis, STN15380A, 3669 Alumni Ave.
Morristown (37813) Walters State Community College, STN14885A, 500 S. Davy Crockett Pkwy.
Murfreesboro (37132) Middle Tennessee State University, STN10850A, 1524 Military Memorial
Nashville (37217) Nashville - Donelson Pike, APCN-1018, 1410 Donelson Pike
Nashville (37217) Nashville - Donelson Pike, APCN-1015, 1410 Donelson Pike
Nashville (37212) Vanderbilt University: Peabody College, STN14979A, 1818 Horton Avenue
Nashville (37203) ETS - Tennessee State University, APCN-7741, TSU Avon, Williams Campus
Nashville (37228) Urban League of Middle Tennessee, STN14963A, 50 Vantage Way


*This information is subject to change. All test-takers should visit the official Praxis website at www.ets.org/praxis to confirm testing center locations, fees, registration, and testing requirements before enrolling.

Not sure how you’ll perform on the exam? Start by viewing our free Praxis Study Guide to get a concise overview of exactly what subject matter will appear on your exam, then take our free, full-length Praxis Practice Test with diagnostics to see your overall likelihood of passing and identify any areas in which you may need to improve.

Our Core Plus Online Prep Programs feature: 

  • instructional videos that teach you the exact content you need to pass
  • interactive practice tests that replicate the real exam
  • virtual tutoring videos that guide you through every practice question
  • advanced diagnostics that offer in-depth insights into your strengths and weaknesses
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