Riverside County Office of Education

Teachers Test Prep is proud to partner with the Riverside County Office of Education to provide diagnostics and test prep services to their teachers.
The Riverside County Office of Education (RCOE) provides specific educational, financial, legislative, and leadership services and support to all K-12 school districts in Riverside County. Originally, founded in 1893 as the Office of the Riverside County Superintendent of Schools, we are honored to share that the RCOE has developed a state-wide reputation for first-class services in support of high quality education for all county students. We want every student to have the skills and knowledge they need to have the best opportunity to experience a high quality of life in their future.
If you are a current teacher in Riverside County, please DO NOT create an account on our website yourself. Instead, please contact your support staff for more information about the special services to which you have access.
To learn more about the Riverside County Office of Education, please click below to visit the official district website.
Interested in learning more about our Organizational Partnership Program? Please visit our Partnership Opportunities page.