Discontinued Praxis Exams


Teachers Test Prep offers free study guides and practice tests for select Praxis exams, as well as prep classes, tutoring and online prep. We also provide helpful information about these exams, including test dates, costs and registration info.

These services are available for the following exams:

If you are looking for a different Praxis exam, your test may have been discontinued by the testing service and replaced with an updated Praxis exam. Below is a list of some of the exams which have been discontinued as of 2015 and replaced with new exams.

Popular Discontinued Praxis Exams and Their Replacements

*Please note: The above information may have changed or been updated. All test-takers should visit the official Praxis website at www.ets.org/praxis to confirm testing requirements before enrolling.

More About the Praxis Core Exam

If you want to learn more about the new Praxis Core and how it differs from the old Praxis I PPST, you may like to read our Praxis Core article published on the USC.edu website.

Replacement of Paper-Based Exams with Computer-Delivered Tests

As of 2015, nearly all Praxis paper-based exams have been discontinued and replaced with computer-delivered tests. Test codes beginning with "0" were paper-based tests, while test codes beginning with "5" are computer-delivered tests. 

If the test code stayed exactly the same, other than the first digit changing from "0" to "5", then content for these tests remains the same as for the paper-based versions. For example, Praxis General Science: Content Knowledge (0435) is now delivered by computer as Praxis General Science: Content Knowledge (5435).  

Still don't see the Praxis exam you're looking for?

Please click here for other Praxis tests




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