Discounts and Coupon Codes

Teachers Test Prep is the nationwide leader in credentialing exam preparation. Our Praxis, CSET, CBEST, CPACE, RICA, edTPA and FTCE preparation programs are recommended by top universities, schools, and teachers' organizations. They're also backed by some of the strongest guarantees you'll find anywhere, so you can enroll with confidence.
Passing your certification exams is a critical step on your career path and quality preparation is essential. However, we realize that working toward a credential can be expensive and you may not have a lot of extra money to spend on exam preparation. That's why we offer discounts on our most popular test preparation programs.
- When you purchase any of our Live Prep Classes or Online Prep Programs in the same transaction, you'll automatically receive a 20% discount.
We also offer financial assistance to qualifying low-income students.
If you have a current Medicaid card or EBT card, or if you are a DACA student who can demonstrate financial hardship by alternative methods, click here to learn more about financial assistance.
If you have questions about any of our programs, or there is any other way we can asist you, don't hesitate to contact us.