!title Results Notice from !sitename

Dear !firstname,

Thank you for taking our "!longtitle" practice test. This subtest assesses your ability to communicate key concepts in the written form.

If you have purchased Written Response Grading and Feedback, your expert grader will now begin scoring your written responses and writing detailed feedback for you, and you will receive your scoring and feedback within 3-5 business days.  If you have not yet purchased Written Response Grading and Feedback, you may do so now.

Additionally, we offer Smart-STEM Audio and/or Sample Responses for many of the written questions as part of our On-Demand Online Prep programs. These resources provide valuable insight and detailed examples of how to approach each prompt, so you'll be able to figure out exactly where you went wrong on any questions that you struggled with.

If you've already purchased an online prep program, you can access those features now. If not, check out our Online Prep options and figure out the program that works best for you.

You've taken an important step towards preparing for your exam today. And we're here to help you as you continue on your journey.


The Teachers Test Prep Team 

Teachers Test Prep

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*Please see website for guarantee details; some restrictions apply.

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