About Our Prep Classes

The California Basic Educational Skills Test (CBEST) contains reading, mathematics, and writing content which can be quite challenging, not only in its content, but also in the way questions are asked. The CBEST Math section abounds with “answer traps” designed to catch unwary test-takers, and the format and writing methods required in the CBEST Writing evaluation can easily present a problem if you are unprepared.

Fortunately, the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CCTC) publishes Content Specifications listing exactly what is expected of candidates taking the CBEST. These are the key concepts you need to know in order to pass-- and this is exactly what we cover in each of our CBEST Prep Classes.

Your CBEST Prep Class will also teach you proven test-taking strategies designed specifically for the CBEST, including how to avoid decoys and choose the right answer on Reading and Math multiple choice questions and how to use the specific format and methodology test graders are seeking on the Writing section. What's more, every Prep Class includes a free CBEST Study Guide.

We're very proud of our CBEST Prep Classes, and we're confident that they'll help you succeed. That’s why every class is guaranteed.* If you take our CBEST Prep Class and don't pass, you can take it again, free.



Upcoming Classes & Itineraries

Courses fill quickly. Please click below to view upcoming class dates and registration info. You may also view a complete itinerary for each of our courses.

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* Our Guarantee: If you take our CBEST Prep Class and don't pass the CBEST exam, you can take the same class again with no charge. Offer is good for one additional session only and expires after 6 months. Offer is not transferable and cannot be applied to other subtest classes. The same admission materials, including receipt and photo ID, that were brought to your original session, must be brought to the second session in order to be admitted. Offer applies to CBEST Prep Classes only and does not apply to any of our other products or services. Free class subject to availability and occupancy restrictions. You must contact us in advance to schedule your class. No "walk-ins" will be admitted. We reserve the right to discontinue classes without notice.

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