Praxis Practice Tests

Wondering how you'll perform on your Praxis exam? Take a free online Praxis Practice Test.

After you’ve completed your full-length practice test, your exam will be instantly auto-graded and you'll see your likelihood of passing. You can then view all the questions you got right and wrong, along with the correct answers. You’ll also receive a breakdown of your individual strengths and weaknesses by content domain, so you can focus your study time on the areas that will benefit you most.

Our practice tests are available for Praxis Core and Praxis Elementary Education as well as the most frequently taken Single Subject exams. They are designed by leading educators based on the official content specifications and closely replicate all aspects of the actual exam, including test length, content areas, difficulty level and question types. In short, they are as close to the real exam as you can get.

To take your Praxis Practice Test now, simply create a free account.

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