Green Dot Public Schools

Teachers Test Prep is proud to partner with Green Dot Public Schools to provide diagnostics and test prep services to their teachers.
Green Dot works to ensure that those students who most need access to excellent teachers are consistently taught by the best in the profession. In Green Dot schools, where students typically enter in the lowest 10% of academic proficiency, advancing a student a single grade level per year isn’t enough to ensure timely graduation. Therefore, Green Dot defines high-quality teaching as the ability to accelerate student learning and close the achievement gap between students in low-income communities and their more affluent peers. In placing high-quality instruction at the heart of their model, they are committed to recruiting, training, and supporting the very best teachers to professional excellence.
If you are currently a teacher in Green Dot's program, please DO NOT create an account on our website yourself. Instead, please contact your program support staff for more information about the special services to which you have access.
To learn more about Green Dot, please click below to visit the official Green Dot Public Schools website.
Interested in learning more about our Organizational Partnership Program? Please visit our Partnership Opportunities page.